Dali Museum & Ford's Garage Restaurant

August 15, 2024

The Dali Museum celebrates the life and work of Salvador Dali (1904-1989) and features works from the
ar!st’s en!re career. The collec!on includes over 2,000 works from every moment and in every medium
of his ar!s!c ac!vity including 96 oil pain!ngs, many original drawings, book illustra!ons, prints,
sculpture, photos, manuscripts and an extensive archive of documents. Founded with the works collected
by Reynolds and Eleanor Morse, the Museum has made significant addi!ons to its collec!on over the

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Itinerary subject to change at the discretion of the tour company. No refunds on individual cancellations regardless
of reason. You are permi3ed to have someone else go in your place, but you must call the Travel Department with
the other person’s name. If the Center or Travel Expressions Inc. cancels the trip, all payments will be refunded.

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